Domestic/Export/Import : Regarding selling of goods and services subject to Factoring; It is possible that buyers and debtors of are within Turkey, as well as it is possible that seller is located in Turkey and buyer is located abroad (Export Factoring) or buyer is located in Turkey and seller is located abroad (Domestic Factoring).
In terms of Assignment Notification
Notified/Non Notified: If the buyer is informed about the Factoring transaction and verifies the transaction notified factoring transaction is realized, else if only the seller receives factoring service without buyer is being informed then non-notified factoring transaction is realized.
In terms of receivable guarantee
Transactions are called as guaranteed factoring when payment guarantee is issued by the Factoring company to the seller in case buyer fails to meet specific conditions, and as non-guaranteed factoring when the transaction does not contain a guarantee and seller is requested to close the pre-payment; in case payment is not realized at due date.