· Increases the trade volumes of the firms both for sellers and buyers.
· Provides flexibility in payment-terms.
· Provides credit and receivable management; following up, collection, registration are made by the factor. So that, the firms can focus on their core business operations and use their time and money more efficiently.
· Provides source optimization so the growth is built by sales in trade and not by outsourcing.
· Reduces the bookkeeping/operational workload of the transactions as their accounting and invoicing process are reported by the factor.
· Firms are able to simplify their balance sheets. Inventory, accounts receivable, accounts payable levels are reduced and the high liquidity comes into play in the balance sheet.
· By increasing the liquidity in the balance sheet, balance sheet ratings get higher and the firms take the advantage by reducing costs and by finding high prestige in both of their domestic and international market trades.
· By the factor undertakes all the risk on import and export sides, the risks which may arise from political issues, currencies, transfers are eliminated.
· The risk of bad-debt is on the factor in an export transaction in the payment method Cash Against Goods and with 100% credit coverage guarantee.
· In export transactions, it enables the access of the information and credit reports easily of the buyers in different countries.
· As the factors have the access to the most updated credit reports of the buyers, it provides firms a daily monitoring of their accounts receivables.